Cartea de oaspeti / Guestbook

We met last week for a short talk in your office. I came surprisingly in it and you take time for me, what was a great pleasure for me. Do you remember?

You invite me to come to the opening of the exhibition with the photographs of the installation of the column and also to the reading of Ion Caramitru. I like to excuse me for my absence. The sunny day led me on other ways. It was my last day in Targu Jiu and I made a trip to the Carpathians. I walked over wonderful hills inside a wide area of white mountains, 30 kilometers eastward from Petrosani. A really wonderful area. When I came back to Targa Jiu I went to the column again to see it in the sunshine and in the dawn. The days before the sky was always cloudy. When I came to the Touristinfo later, you have gone but your assistants gave me the catalogue of the exhibition. For this, I send you my very best thanks. I am very sorry that we didn’t meet again for saying this directly.

The five days in Targa Jiu, during which I daily went the street of the heroes, gave a very strong impression to me. As I told you, Brancusi’s human and simply sculptures touches me very much and I never saw such a great kind of art in the public space. You know probably all these enthusiastic commentaries and live with it in your own way very close. After Targu Jiu I spent 3 more days in Bukarest and saw some early works of  Brancusi in the National Galerie. Also a step for understanding his way and his art. Bukarest is very different from all what I saw before in Romania. But it was very interesting how the city life is developing.

I don’t know what will grew out of this journey. So many things still keep unacknowledged. But I hope to keep the feeling being with the sculptures and with the spirit of  Brancusi. In my work as art-teacher it will try to give it to people and in my own artwork I will try to take the impulses for own creations. One far idea grew during my trip and that deals with a dance or a performance of reconciliation. May be with my own work with stones and with the movements of my wife, who is actress and yogateacher.

I manage here in Königstein nearby Frankfurt a little private artschool and may be there will be a possibility to communicate Brancusi’s wide view of art and life. Here, in Königstein, a Romanian Lady runs a school for dancing and I will get in contact to her.

If you are interested I would be happy to keep contact and to get information about your programs.

With a moment and a photograph in the Ansamblul Arhitectural of Gheorghe and Arethia Tatarescu and with best wishes!

Your Sincerely

Rüdiger Steiner

Mergi Sus