Vizitatori straini in Orasul lui Brancusi

Domnul Tai-Jung Um, sculptor, profesor emerit din Coreea de Sud, a vizitat Tg-Jiul in decembrie 2014.
Iata impresiile sale intr-o scrisoare adresata domnului primar al Municipiului Targu Jiu- dr. ing. Florin Circiumaru.

Sunt un sculptor coreean, nascut in Coreea in 1938. In prezent, sunt membru in Academia Nationala de Arte din Coreea si am fost devotat toata viata muncii in domeniul sculpturii, inspirate de Brancusi, tatal sculpturii moderne.
In 1998, am avut oportunitatea unei vizite in Tg-Jiu, Romania pentru prima data si am fost impresionat de operele lui de aici si din Hobita, unde s-a nascut, Coloana fara Sfarsit. Era in restaurare atunci, asa ca nu am putut-o vedea.
Dupa 16 ani, am avut a doua sansa sa vizitez Tg-Jiul intre 22 decembrie si 26 decembrie 2014 si am putut astfel vedea tot Ansamblul Brancusi.
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IMPRESII DIN TÂRGU JIU – din Cartea de Onoare a Centrului Municipal de Cultură ”Constantin Brâncuși”

Cartea de oaspeti / Guestbook

We met last week for a short talk in your office. I came surprisingly in it and you take time for me, what was a great pleasure for me. Do you remember?

You invite me to come to the opening of the exhibition with the photographs of the installation of the column and also to the reading of Ion Caramitru. I like to excuse me for my absence. The sunny day led me on other ways. It was my last day in Targu Jiu and I made a trip to the Carpathians. I walked over wonderful hills inside a wide area of white mountains, 30 kilometers eastward from Petrosani. A really wonderful area. When I came back to Targa Jiu I went to the column again to see it in the sunshine and in the dawn. The days before the sky was always cloudy. When I came to the Touristinfo later, you have gone but your assistants gave me the catalogue of the exhibition. For this, I send you my very best thanks. I am very sorry that we didn’t meet again for saying this directly.

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